This is a great country. It gave the world Broadway, baseball, rhythm & blues, hamburgers, and the belief that hard work and better ideas are what matter. It's not about uniformity, that's China. It's not about oligarchs, that's Russia. It's the land where talent beats privilege and the crowd cheers for the underdog and we can disagree about facts but we prefer them to fantasy. It's not about COVID or carjacking or corruption so let's get our chins up and sing about the beauty of the land and the rainbow our people were looking for, the rivers they crossed, their high hopes for their kids. We've heard enough about despair, let's take a night in NYC to have a big time with (Garrison Keillor, Heather Masse, Christine DiGiallonardo, Rob Fisher and the Demitasse Orchestra, Richard Dworsky, Walter Bobbie, Sue Scott, Tim Russell, Fred Newman), the Guy's All-Star Shoe Band, our Actors, and the Host Himself who is very happy to be 80.

Health & safety: As of July 1, The Town Hall is mask friendly. Masks are encouraged but not required, unless otherwise noted.

Tickets start at $59.50


Presented by:
Mammoth Presents